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Last updated January 2025

Creator Weekly Live! 

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  Last updated: January 2025


  1. can you share who you made the title of the post align properly inside the background red box and make it smaller, I have been trying, but not succeeded, thanks in advance.

    On these themes the box is large and title does not fit properly.

  2. Hi there, as far as I know, blogger doesn't allow SSL on custom domains yet, I'm curious as to how come you have an SSL? Is there a way to get SSL for custom domains on blogger?

    I'm not just asking for myself but around 700 more people that are worried they'll have to leave blogger if blogger doesn't let them add the ability to add an SSL, it would really help us ease our worries since we never hear anything from Blogger itself...

    1. Zera Zoya: Blogger is aware of the issue and hopefully they will provide a solution for users with custom domains soon.

  3. Thanks for the links, I'm following.

  4. I wonder if Blogger will be improved? Or will it take its place in the Google Graveyard? Do you have any information about this? Also, if Blogger is shut down, which platform would you switch to?


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