This week was all about video. At VidCon, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki made several announcements, including live streaming from the YouTube mobile app (soon!) and new features and support options for YouTube Creators. Facebook and Twitter also announced video updates: Twitter now allows longer video uploads (up to 140 seconds!) and bought a machine learning startup to improve real time video, while Facebook announced that you’ll be able to schedule live broadcasts and a few other livestreaming features. Plus you can now livestream right into your Tumblr blog. But it’s not all video in the Googleverse: Spaces got an update and launched a Trusted Members program, and you can now manage your Brand Accounts in your Google Account settings, sign in to your Google account with your phone, and test AdSense experimental features with just a few clicks in your account. Plus there are tips and updates for photographers, bloggers, webmasters, Hangouts chatters, and more.
News, tips and tutorials for Creators, Collectors and Curators