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Showing posts from March, 2015

Community posts flooding your Google+ stream? Keep them in the community.

November 2015: the new Google+ desktop interface no longer uses these symbols. When you join a Google+ Community, the default is for new posts to the community to appear in your home stream. If you are a member of a lot of communities - or just one very popular one - that can flood your stream with posts. How can you tell the source of a post? In the upper right corner there will be a green Google+ Communities symbol . Fortunately it's easy to changes community settings so the posts don't appear in your Home stream. If the symbol in the upper right corner looks like a flame it's a What's Hot and Recommended post. You can also prevent What's Hot posts from appearing in your stream . It's just a few simple steps to disable community posts in your stream on either a desktop computer or the Google+ app:

What's Hot not? Turn off What's Hot and Recommended posts in your Google+ Stream

November 2015: The new Google+ desktop interface no longer has the Explore option.  Are you seeing posts in your Google+ stream from people outside your circles? Google+ may show "Hot" or "Recommended" posts, based on their popularity and what Google thinks are your interests. If you find they aren't interesting to you, you can change your settings so they no longer appear in your Google+ Stream. A "What's Hot" post in your stream will have a distinctive flame icon on the upper right corner. You can always Explore ( on the desktop or tap "What's Hot" in the Google+ mobile app if you want to see those posts again. Also, keep in mind that your circles and the posts you interact with influence which "recommended" posts you see. You may want to remove people from your circles if they regularly post content you are not interested in and you don't want to share content or Hangout with the...

Week in Review - March 28, 2015: Support Local Business, Live Broadcasting apps, Big Blog images

This week's top updates, tips, articles and posts for YouTube Creators, Bloggers, Webmasters, Live Broadcasters, Local Business owners, and people living in the 21st century. Read on for all this week's highlights.

Connect your YouTube Channel to Twitter

YouTube  removed the option to automatically share to Twitter and Google+ on January 31, 2019 . Connect your YouTube channel to Twitter to automatically share your uploads, likes and playlist additions. Note that as of March 2015 it is no longer possible to connect your YouTube channel to Facebook. How to connect your YouTube channel to Twitter:

Week in Review - March 21, 2015: YouTube Cards, move your channel, Google Now Hangouts messages

Spring has sprung! Lots of updates this week, along with articles and tips for YouTube, Google+, Photos, Hangouts, Blogger, AdSense and more.   Subscribe to PeggyK's Weekly Update by Email

Transfer your YouTube channel to a different Google+ Profile or Page

Update June 2016: YouTube no long requires linking to a Google+ Profile or Page. Instead your YouTube channel is either on your main Google Account or a Brand Account . The transfer process works the same way, just think "Brand Account" for every mention of a "Google+ Page" below. Update March 2019: This process still works, but with the shutdown of consumer Google+ on April 2, 2019 , there are only Brand Accounts, not Google+ Pages.  I have updated the text to refer to "Google Account" instead of "Google+ Profile" and "Brand Account" instead of "Google+ Page".  Don’t want to comment on YouTube with your real name? Or is your channel connected to the wrong Google Account or  Brand Account? Now you can move your YouTube channel to a different Google identity. New! YouTube has just launched a channel transfer tool that allows you to move your YouTube channel to or from a Brand Account. YouTube Help Center: Move YouTub...

Week in Review - March 14, 2015: Page or Profile, G+ Communities, 360 Degree Videos

This week's tips, news and articles about YouTube, Google+, Blogger and Hangouts.  Subscribe to PeggyK's Weekly Update by Email

Is your blog mobile-friendly? Set a mobile template for your Blogger blog

Have you set a mobile template for your Blogger blog? It's easy to do. Why should you bother? Google has announced that on April 21st they will be more heavily weighting mobile-friendliness as search ranking factor on mobile devices: Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results. Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices. Over at Search Engine Watch, Chuck Price has dubbed April 21st "Mobilegeddon". If you have a Blogger blog, it's easy to get ready: 1. Open your blog's Template settings 2. Click the gear icon under the "Mobile" preview 3. Make sure you have selected " Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices" You can also choose a different mobile template. Scan t...

Owner or manager? Find the owner of a Google+ Page and YouTube channel

Are you signed in as the owner of your Google+ Page or YouTube channel? or are you merely a manager?   A Google+ Business Page and the YouTube channel connected to it can have up to 50 managers, but only one owner. While managers can share posts, write comments, and upload videos it is important to be able to sign in as the owner of your of Google+ Page and channel because there are some features and options only available to owners : add and remove managers transfer ownership of the business Page and its connected YouTube channel transfer your YouTube channel to a different Google+ Page or Profile reset the password to sign into the Google+ Page and channel directly (required for some 3rd party apps and services) Hopefully you have set up your Google+ Page and YouTube account so that you have access as the owner.  But if it does turn out that isn't the case, you still have options for finding - and possibly signing in to - the owner's Google account. ...

Week in review - March 7, 2015: Creator Academy Boot camp, Manage your G+ Circles, Hangouts update

Updates, tips and articles posted over the past week.

Back to the top! Adding a "Top of Page" button

If you've been reading my blog for any time, you probably have noticed my posts tend to be a bit long. Now you can quickly jump back to the top of the page by clicking the "TOP" arrow button on the lower left. I followed Nitecruzr's excellent instructions:   Adding a "Top of Page" button to the blog Here's how you can add a button to your own blog:

Three easy ways to promote your YouTube channel on your blog

If you are a blogger with a YouTube channel (or a YouTuber with a blog), you probably want visitors to your blog to also watch your videos and subscribe to your channel. You can embed your videos in your Blogger blog posts, of course, either starting on the YouTube video watch page or by inserting a video into a post. But beyond that, you can promote your channel by adding a gadget or button to your blog's Layout that highlights your channel's content or lets you visitors easily subscribe to your channel. Here are three easy ways to promote your YouTube channel on your blog or website: Add a YouTube channel subscribe button Add a Video Bar gadget to your blog's Layout (Blogger blogs only) May 2015: the Video Bar gadget no longer works Add a clickable YouTube icon Embed a YouTube playlist  (and automatically add new videos) Note that before you add a subscribe button or other channel gadget you must first find your YouTube channel ID .