Google Allo was launched to great fanfare at Google I/O in May 2016 . Less than 3 years later, it's scheduled for a shutdown, and will only work through March 12, 2019 . Until it's shut down you can download your Allo chats and shared images and files. Notably, because you don't sign in to Allo with your Google account, you cannot download your Allo data using Google Takeout . You must download the data from inside the Allo app. To download your content: Open Allo on your Android phone (it needs to be the latest version) Tap the 3 line menu icon at top left and select "Settings" Tap "Chat" Select which data you want to export: Export messages from chats: This only includes message text, not photos or videos. Export stored media from chats: This includes photos, videos, and other files. Choose where you want to send the exported file You can select Dropbox, Google Drive or other cloud storage app on your phone Your me...
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