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Showing posts from November, 2016

Weekly Update - November 26, 2106: Blogger, Sites, Cyber Monday

This was a pretty quiet week announcement-wise - probably because of the Thanksgiving holiday. However, this week did see some nice updates for bloggers and other online content publishers: B logger introduces a new (and slightly confusing) dashboard as a step towards a “better Blogger” The totally rebuilt Google Sites lets you create websites as easily as a doc Telegram launches Telegraph an anonymous long-form blogging platform You can now get a .blog domain for your blog Instagram launches live video in Instagram Stories and Snapchat-like disappearing photos and videos in Instagram Direct Plus updates and tips for YouTubers, Live Streamers, AdSense, Bloggers, Webmasters, Map Readers, and more. The post-Thanksgiving pre-Christma shopping season has brought great shopping deals, including great prices on the Google Pixel, Home and Chromecast, try Google Play Music + YouTube Red free for 4 months and Chromecast purchases include three months of HBO Now . And there are mor...

Weekly Update - November 19, 2016: Google+, Google Photos, AI Everywhere

Top updates this week: Google Photos gets new editing tools and introduces Photo Scan , which lets you use your phone to scan old photo prints Google+ now lets you drag and drop images into posts and comments, and has updated notifications options on desktop and in the Android app Google and Facebook ban their ads on fake news sites, but it’s not clear how Facebook might stem the flood of fake news (or if they even want to) Google Play Music and Google Translate  get machine learning updates, and you can play with AI Experiments - while Fast Company profiles Sundar Pichai’s Google, where “AI is Everything - and Everywhere” US Thanksgiving is this Thursday US Thanksgiving travel tips from Google Maps (Google Maps blog) Let’s Talk Turkey: TSA Thanksgiving 2016 Travel Tips (TSA Blog) Google Search Trends: Thanksgiving Plus updates and tips for YouTube, AdSense, Google Docs, Google Photos, mobile messaging, and much more. Image: Detail from Acht kalkoenen by Th...

Weekly Update - November 12, 2016: Google+, YouTube, Safe Browsing

Top updates this week: Google+ makes it easier to post in Communities and supports AMP pages for faster mobile webpage loading YouTube now supports HDR video and has launched an app for the Daydream VR viewer (which is now available for sale) Google Safe Browsing now warns against repeat offenders and makes it easier to report malicious sites. Plus more updates and tips for YouTube, Google+, Google Photos, Google Sites, Gmail, AdSense , Project Fi and more. Image: Poppy Field, by Vincent van Gogh (1890)

Weekly Update - November 5, 2016: YouTube, Project Fi, US Elections

Top updates this week: YouTube adds new comment features, which should help build your channel’s community YouTube’s improved Content ID dispute process ensures creators won’t lose money YouTube comes to an agreement with the Germany-based music rights organization, GEMA, meaning that more music videos will play for German viewers YouTube now offers Chrome notifications on desktop Project Fi app now displays improved real-time data Photo editing app Snapseed can now edit photo spheres without them losing their sphereiness  Microsoft launches a Slack competitor, and Slack seems pretty concerned Did you know there is an election in the US on November 8th? Facebook, Google and Twitter all provide US Election tool Watch the election results live on YouTube Periscope lets you “wear” a Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump mask in your live broadcast