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Showing posts from January, 2015

Week in review - January 31, 2015: Google Earth Pro free, HTML5 video, Google+ Events

A sample of tips, updates and articles posted on Google+ this past week

Week in review - January 24, 2015: Rebrand a Local business, delete comments, recover deleted photos

Welcome to Business Town! Updates, tips, and articles posted on Google+ this week. What's new with Google+, Photos and more.

Week in review - January 17, 2015: Blogger integration with Google Domains, AutoBackup Photos, Report inappropriate behavior in Hangouts

This week's tips, updates, and articles about Google+, Blogger, Hangouts and more.

Week in Review - January 10, 2015: YouTube Copyright, Convert a Google+ Page, Google Account Settings

This week's updates, tips and articles about Google+, YouTube, Hangouts and more.

Week in review - January 3, 2015: 2014 in review, disabled AdSense accounts, Google account security

Happy 2015! Here are this week's updates, tips and articles about YouTube, Google+, AdSense and more.