To celebrate 10 years of Creator Weekly, I’m sharing tech highlights from 2015 that still resonate 10 years later. This update was for the week ending January 25, 2015 . If you have used Facebook, or really any social media, you have seen how easily hoaxes, rumors and fake news spread. This isn't a new problem. As the old adage says , "A lie can run around the world while the truth is pulling on its boots". Watch the Short version below, or check out my full discussion from the January 26 Creator News live stream. On January 20, 2015 Facebook announced they had added an option to report false news, because "We’ve heard from people that they want to see fewer stories that are hoaxes, or misleading news." They noted that many people delete a post if their friends comment telling them it's a hoax. 2015 Facebook post reporting options include "it's a false news story" This update made several changes: ...
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