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Showing posts from February, 2018

Weekly Update - February 24, 2018: AdSense Auto Ads, Google Lens, YouTube Monetization

This week there were updates for YouTubers, AdSense Partners, Androiders (is that a word?) and more. February 20th was D-Day - YouTube channels in the Partner Program that don’t meet the new eligibility requirements were demonetized. While 99% of affected channels were earning less than $100 per year , there are a not-insignificant number of channels with higher earnings that no longer can monetize their videos. If your channel is no longer monetized, and you have less than $100 in finalized earnings, you’ll either have to wait until you can monetize again or permanently cancel your AdSense account to get a final payment. For those channels still monetizing, there’s some good news: YouTube has improved their monetization classifier - the automated system that decides whether a video is “advertiser friendly” or not. There should be less flipping back and forth between the yellow and green monetization icon. YouTube has pointed out that when you submit an appeal when you get the ye...

How to get paid by AdSense, even if you no longer monetize

If you are a YouTube Partner, your payments are managed through AdSense. Once a month your estimated YouTube earnings are finalized, and transferred to your AdSense account. If your finalized earnings in your AdSense account have reached the payment threshold ($100, €70, £60 or equivalent), and there are no holds on your account, you should be paid in the next payment cycle. On February 20th, many channels lost their monetization because they did not meet the new Partner Program requirements - 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time over the past 12 months. That leaves a lot of former YouTube Partners with finalized earnings in their AdSense account . What happens if your finalized earnings are lower than the payment threshold, and you are no longer monetizing a YouTube channel or website?  If your earnings are below the payment threshold, you have two options: * Continue creating content and don't do anything with your AdSense account If you believe...

Weekly Update - February 17, 2018: Ad Blocking, YouTube Music, International Project Fi

This week ❤ was in the air, and there were updates for bad ad haters, video creators and more. There are hundreds of new free music tracks in the YouTube Audio Library. The songs can be used for any project, including monetized videos. The only limitation is that some tracks require attribution.  The latest version of the Chrome browser no long displays ads on websites that have advertising that doesn’t comply with the Better Ads Standards. If you’re a webmaster, be sure to check your site’s Ad Experience Report in the Google Search Console. Visitors will be able to override Chrome to show the ads , but I wouldn't count on anyone doing that. Some sites are finding creative ways to replace advertising. Membership fees or sponsorships are a common way to let your fans show their support. But Salon has a new idea : instead of displaying ads, allow them  use your web browser to mine cryptocurrency . It's unclear whether this will earn them much real money or overheat vi...

Weekly Update - February 10, 2018: YouTube, Google Photos, Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics are underway in PyeongChang, YouTube is making good on promised changes, there are new fun photo options, and more. YouTube has outlined new “repercussions” for egregious actions that harm the YouTube Community. The policy appears to be aimed at Creators who make a big negative splash, like Logan Paul . YouTube has emphasized that this is rare and the Creator’s videos and actions will be reviewed “in context”. Penalties include losing monetization and/or not having your videos recommended across the platform. This isn’t about free speech, it’s about not ruining the platform for the rest of us - most advertisers (and viewers) wouldn’t want to be associated with the site if it’s known for harassment or hateful behavior. Don’t have a Valentine’s day present for your sweetheart yet? Make them a Valentine’s Day movie in Google Photos. Google’s face recognition technology assembles a sweet movie of you and your boo, or if you aren’t in a romantic mood, your baby, ...

Add or change a Google+ Custom URL

Note: as part of the shutdown of consumer Google+ on April 2, 2019 Google+ custom vanity URLs will no longer be supported . Any links that use Google+ vanity URLs, including Album Archive, will no longer work.  When you set up a Google+ Profile or Page, the link to the profile uses an impossible to remember 21-digit user ID.  A Custom URL lets you use a link that's easy to remember when you are promoting your Google+ activity. If your Google+ Profile or Page is eligible for a Custom URL, you will see a banner on your Profile or Page's profile.  You will then have the option to claim the offered Custom URL. The offered Custom URL is usually based on the name of the Google+ Profile or Page. You will not have the option to request a specific Custom URL. Also note that Google+ and YouTube now have separate Custom URL systems. Adding a Google+ Custom URL does not create a YouTube channel Custom URL, which has different eligibility requirements. Read on for...

Weekly Update - February 3, 2018: YouTube, Google+, Blogger

This week we got a glimpse of YouTube’s direction for 2018, Blogger added ads.txt files to blog’s using AdSense, the Google+ iOS app got and update and more.  2017 was a rough year for YouTube . It seemed like there was controversy after controversy, with the result that YouTube tightened up its policies, and it got harder for creators to monetize their content. That’s just one of the issues that Susan Wojcicki says YouTube is working on in her “ Five Priorities for Creators in 2018 ”. Also on her radar: greater transparency and better communication, building more ways to let creators and fans have “meaningful interactions”, tighter policy enforcement, and investing in more educational content. 2018 should be an interesting year. Starting this week, video viewers in the US will see notices on videos by news broadcasters that receive government or public funding. So far I haven’t run into any surprises: BBC News , Russia Today , PBS News Hour , Radio Free Europe all have the...