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Showing posts from March, 2014

I can't sign in to my YouTube channel or Blogger blog! How to recover access.

Note: as of August 2014 the method described for recovering YouTube channels is no longer available. The Blogger recovery method still works. Are you having trouble signing in to YouTube or Blogger? If you created your channel or blog long ago, you may have even forgotten the email you used to sign in to the account. That can be quite frustrating, because that email address is your account's username. Fortunately there are options for recovering your Google account - and its associated YouTube channel and Blogger blogs - even if you don't recall your account's email username. Recover access to your YouTube channel YouTube account recovery if you do not know the sign-in email Recover access to your Blogger blog Blogger account recovery if you do not know the sign-in email Google+ Profile and Google account recovery if you don't know the sign-in email Set your account recovery options now!

Can I use that song in my video? Third party content, permission and copyright.

This useful article is by YouTube forum Rising Star Top ContributorLeo Wattenberg and was originally posted in the YouTube Creators help forum.  He kindly granted me permission to re-post it here.  TOC preamble and disclaimer the most important rule about creative commons licences licence laundering links to materials see also footnotes

Set a password for your Google+ Page and connected YouTube channel

Note: on when consumer Google+ shuts down on April 2, 2019 all Google+ Pages will be deleted. This will NOT affect the underlying Brand Account or its YouTube channe l. Note: as of September 2016, Google no longer offers the option to create a password for a Google+ Page. You can check to see if you older Page and its Brand Account already has a password set:   Sign in to Google as the Owner of your Google+ Page or YouTube channel's Brand Account open your Brand Account list   ( ) click the Brand Account name  if you see an Update Password button, you have a password set The password should continue to work. You can re-set the existing password by clicking the Update Password button.  Original article: Have you set a password for your Google+ Page?  If your primary identity is your Google+ Page and YouTube channel name, rather than your personal "real name" Google+ Profile, setting a password for your P...

Blogger Pages Gadget: Add a menu to your blog

The Blogger Pages gadget lets you add a list of links to your blog's static Pages, dynamic content or external websites. You can use the Pages gadget to add a menu at the top of your blog. Blogger recently changed the way blog Pages are managed . Blogger has always offered two different options: create a static Page with your own content, or create a Page that redirects to a page with dynamic content or an external web address. While management of static Pages with your own content is much simpler now, it's a bit more complicated to add a Page that's simply a link. But the option hasn't disappeared! Now Link Pages are managed through the Pages gadget in your blog's Layout . What type of links can you add? your blog's static Pages your blog's dynamic content (such as all posts with a particular label) your YouTube channel, Facebook Page, ReverbNation profile or other social media site your Cafe Press or Zazzle store any other external website ...