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The best way to contact Peggy is by using the contact form on the right menu. I'll try to get back to you within 48 hours, but it may take longer than that.

Note that, depending on your question, I may direct you to post in the appropriate official help forum.

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The best place to get assistance with your questions is the official Google Help Forums:

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 YouTube Help Forum


  1. Peggy Please I need your help on this topic!topic/adsense/X-7YKOIB0Qk;context-place=forum/adsense

  2. Please help me on post to link add to the google

  3. Help me please
    After two copyright strike my youtube account monetization is disabled and youtube account show Approx. $2000. Adsense account status in good standing.
    Will adsense pay my money in next month cycle.Or if i delete my account for save from termination will adsense pay my money in next month cycle.
    Or suggest me what can i do?

    1. Hi Tseries Music: Your estimated YouTube earnings may be finalized if and when your monetization is reinstated. Deleting your accounts won't speed up that process. Learn how to get monetization reinstated here:

  4. Help me please
    After two copyright strike my youtube account monetization is disabled and youtube account show Approx. $2000. Adsense account status in good standing.
    Will adsense pay my money in next month cycle.Or if i delete my account for save from termination will adsense pay my money in next month cycle.
    Or suggest me what can i do?

  5. Hi Peggy,
    Is there a contact phone number to chat? I am having difficulties with my business page.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Melissa: I don't help over the phone, no. If you have a question about a Brand Page you can post in the official Google+ Help Community, where I or someone else will help you out:

  6. Went is my Google plus suspended and how do i get it back?

  7. Hi,
    My youtube account on this same account had monetization disabled due to invalid click activity. This was 2 years ago, when i was much younger. I want another chance now. I know it is not possible, but could you try something. It would greatly benefit me. 2 years is a long time, and i have reviewed everything in order to avoid making those mistakes again. Please try something

  8. Hello,
    I'm having problem with my YouTube Channel. My changed my channel name, Previous name was: COOKING FOR YOU, Present name is: BAISHAKHI'S EASY KITCHEN. My problem is When I search my channel on YouTube it's showing my previous name (Cooking For You). In search result my present name is not visible. Please help me.

    1. It can take some time - weeks sometimes - for the YouTube search results to update after you change your channel name. People will still find your channel after searching for the new name. Eventually it will update.

  9. I have an email I have used for a very long time and I suddenly get I am not old enough and the email is getting deleted in 21 days. This is all on Google failing to look at the date of birth before making this decision. I don't know how they came to the conclusion I am underage because I am in my 50's and I do not appreciate this. I have important things I have associated with this email account.

    1. In the notification you received, it should explain what you need to do to update your age. Note that if you are using a work account (or school account), your admin may need to do that.

  10. Hello Peggy,
    I consider it a blessing that I found you! I have been stuck on YouTube's step 2 error that say's "Your associated Adsense account is missing required payment details, so we are unable to monetize your channel." I have been stuck here for 3 months now. Please know that I have completed all the required payment details and have been verified! It is as if YouTube and Adsense are not communicating. I've tried all sorts of forums and to no avail no help, nothing. I'm not sure what to do anymore. Please if can help me in anyway let me know. I'm willing to do the work for my channel but I can't continue without some communication on what could be wrong for me to fix it. Thank you.

    1. Hi Lonie, please create a new topic in the official YouTube Help community. Hi, or one of the other product experts will try and help you out there. You can post a new topic here:

      If you have already started a topic, you can share the link here and I'll take a look.

  11. Dear sir how are you. i am very disappoint .my adsense account payment did not relase.May i know why reason did not sending payment. January month and february 2 month reveneu did not relase. please you can check manullay my account .my all content own and all traffic google organic. I can not see my adsense account have not problem. please sir release my payment.
    thank you.
    My adsense pub id: pub-7986541057348436

  12. Hi Peggy, I hope you can check out my post and offer any support you might have if you have the time. I'm facing a Youtube error that is devastating to my channel. Any advice would be more appreciated than you know. Have a great day!

    1. I replied to your question in the YouTube Help Community. Hopefully it can all be sorted out, but it will likely take some time.

  13. Hello Peggy, can u help me to fix this.🙏I tried everting,I want to keep AdSense pub-7888485782871588. If is there any pub can u please remove.I already add payment details bt youtube error still there.please help!! I tried to contact youtube but thats not worked, Please help me in really sad

  14. Please I really need to ur help.

  15. Hi Peggy,

    I created this chrom extension for google meet.

    I want to post this as answer to this question

    Can you unblock this question, so that I can post a reply.



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