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Weekly Update: February 16, 2019: Hangouts, Contacts, Assistant

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine’s/Galentine’s/Palentine’s day! This week we lost some old features in Hangouts and Contacts, got more clarifications about the Google+ shutdown, and some new features for Gmail and Google Assistant.

Mr. Jingles Valentine posted February 14, 2014 on Google+ (link to post).

Read on for more links, tips and updates for business owners, Plussers, webmasters and more.

Image: False color image of “Endurance Crater’s Dazzling Dunes” taken by the Mars Opportunity Rover in 2004. The Opportunity Rover had a 90 day mission, but ended up exploring its small corner of Mars 15 years. This week NASA tried - and failed - to wake it up one last time. The last message to the Opportunity Rover was a song, and Curiosity Rover sang farewell. Learn more about “Oppy” at NASA.


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