If you use Google Chat, either with your Google Workspace account, or because you have been added as an external user to a Room or Chat conversation, your Hangouts group conversations will start appearing in Chat as well. The group conversations should be available in both classic Hangouts and Chat.
Note that if you are using a personal Google account your migration from Hangouts to Chat will be in the first half of 2021.
You will also be able to add and change members of new Chat group conversations.
For Chat group conversations created before December 3, you can start an updated conversation with the same group of people, using the "Start a new chat" in the conversation settings.
A couple of additional notes:
- First group Hangouts conversations will be available, followed by message history.
- 1:1 messages, updated group conversations, and unthreaded Rooms from Chat will begin to appear in Hangouts.
The migration will likely take weeks.
As the migration is occurring you may want to disable notifications in Hangouts for group conversations that have migrated, so you don't get double notifications.
Turn off Group Conversation Notifications in Hangouts
To disable notifications for an individual group conversation in classic Hangouts:
1. Open the Hangouts conversation on desktop or in the Hangouts mobile app
2. Click or tap the 3 dot menu icon at top right
3. Select Options
4. Turn off Notifications
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