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Weekly Update - January 4, 2020: We are 5, YouTube, CCPA

This week my “Weekly Update” turns 5! It started off as just a short list of links, mostly to posts I had made on Google+. Over the years it expanded in scope, and I started writing up a summary of the week’s updates and changes. Thank you for reading!

To get the Weekly Update in your inbox you can subscribe by email, either for just the Weekly Updates or all my articles and posts.

As we are just a few days into the new year, there aren’t many updates this week.
Read on for more news, updates and tips for business owners, webmasters and more.

Image: Balloons in Party Colors by Atturi_Mantysaari on Pixabay, Free for commercial use


YouTube and Video Creation

Go Live

Social Media: Facebook and Instagram

Other Social Media

Google Photos and Photo Sharing

Google for Businesses

Bloggers and Webmasters

AdSense and Advertising

Made by Google, Android, Google Fi


Privacy and Security

More around the web
