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Weekly Update - September 28, 2019: YouTube, Twitch, PlayPass

Raise a toast to Google, that turned 21 this week and to Unix, that turned 50. Both helped produce computers, smartphones and the internet as we know them today. This week there are updates for video creators and webmasters, we say goodbye to Google Bulletin, check out Twitch and Yahoo’s rebranding and much more.
Read on for more news, updates and tips for Android  users,YouTubers, business owners, advertisers and more.

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Image: Two people toasting flute glasses at sunset from Pixabay on Pexels (free to use)


YouTube and Video Creation

Go Live

Social Media: Facebook and Instagram

Social Media: Twitter

Other Social Media

Google for Businesses

Bloggers and Webmasters

AdSense and Advertising

Hangouts, Meetings and Messaging

Made by Google and Android


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