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Week in Review - May 28, 2016: I/O Recap, Google Photos, Data Studio

A week after Google I/O there is much discussion of Google’s big announcements: Spaces, new mobile apps and Firebase. But that isn’t all - this week’s top stories:
  • Meet the Google Top Contributors
  • Google I/O recaps and analysis of Google’s mobile messaging strategy
  • YouTube Gaming Event Pages
  • Google Photos Turns One
  • Google Data Studio for free, beautiful reports
  • AdSense Automatic Experiments
  • Facebook continuous live video
  • Google Wins Trial Against Oracle
Plus more tips and updates for YouTube, Google+, Blogger, Webmasters, Google Photos, Firebase, AdSense and more

Image: Detail from Butterflies and poppies by Vincent van Gogh (Public Domain). Learn about the Veterans behind the Buddy Poppy for Memorial Day.

Meet the Google Top Contributors

More From Google I/O

YouTube and Video Creators

  • New YouTube Gaming launching Event Pages (YouTube Blog)
  • Update Playlists coming to YouTube Music (YouTube Forum)
  • Update Facebook bought a startup to make its 360-degree videos sound better (Re/Code)
  • Tip Change your YouTube channel art on your mobile device (YouTube Help on YouTube)
  • Tip How Vimeo uses video SEO to help your video get found on the search results (Vimeo Blog)

Live Streaming

Google+ and Spaces

  • Contest Design a new cover image for the official G+ Collections Community (May 30th deadline) (Google+ Collection Communiy)
  • For all that is said about the "failure" of Google+ as a social platform, this week alone… (David Kutcher)
  • Tip Google+: Discover amazing things and find your people (Google+)
  • Tip Disable comments and reshares of your Google+ posts (Sooraj Wadhwa)
  • Update “Google+ Local pages” are are now officially “Google My Business listings” (Imprezzio Marketing)
  • This is why you need Google Spaces (Mike Elgan)

Google Photos

  • Update Google Photos now shows a timeline on desktop (Whiskey Schulze)
  • Update Google Photos web update: change the date & time on multiple photos (Google Photos)
  • Update Snapseed 2.5 for Android and iOS rolling out (SnapSeed)
  • Tip Happy Birthday Google Photos - 10 top tips! (Official Google Blog)

Bloggers and Webmasters


Hangouts and mobile communication



More around the web

Updated March 2019 to remove Google+ links
