YouTube earnings and other AdSense earnings will have separate payments accounts starting in March 2022. If you are a YouTube Partner you should have received an email from AdSense this week with the announcement.
Email from AdSense: A new way to manage and view your YouTube earnings
Do YouTube Partners need to make any changes? No.
- Your YouTube earnings and payment information will still be available from your AdSense account.
- Your current payment method and any custom payment threshold will automatically be applied to the new YouTube payment account.
- Any unpaid YouTube earnings will be transferred to your new YouTube payment account when that becomes available.
- You will continue to be able to access your already-paid YouTube earnings and payments information in your AdSense payments account.
- As now, you can see your YouTube channel's estimated revenue and ad performance reports in Analytics in YouTube Studio. Start here:
The big change: if you are both a YouTube Partner and you monetize your own
website or blog with AdSense ads, your earnings from each will need to
separately meet the payment threshold.
As the announcement explains:
The amount you earn will not change, however users with both YouTube and other AdSense earnings will have two separate payment accounts. Each payment account will need to reach the payment threshold which could influence your disbursement timing.
That means that if you are only meeting the payment threshold each month by combining your YouTube and AdSense for Content earnings, you may not be issued a payment as frequently.
- If you earn money from both AdSense and YouTube you will be able to set a separate form of payment for each payment profile.
- As noted above, each payment profile will have to reach the payment threshold ($100 or equivalent) before a payment will be issued.
Some effects of this change are currently unknown. For example, it is not clear if you will be able to cancel your AdSense payments account, but leave your YouTube payments account open.
Update February 24, 2022
Google has posted additional details about the new AdSense for YouTube Home Page and payments profile.
- The change will start rolling out in March, and will take several months.
Currently the new homepage is only accessible to a small number of creators while it’s being rolled out in 2022. Until roll out completes, finalized YouTube earnings are still visible to YouTube creators in their AdSense payments account.
- You will be able to access the new AdSense for YouTube homepage by navigating to AdSense from within YouTube Studio or from the left-hand menu in AdSense. But bear in mind this may not be available to your account for several months.
How to switch between payment profiles
You will be able to switch between payments accounts in your AdSense account.- Sign in to AdSense
- Click Payments on the left menu
- On the top of that page it will show "Payments Account" and under that your country and either AdSense or YouTube
- Click the ▼ to switch between payments profiles
Click to enlarge
Learn more
AdSense Help Center: Your Payments Account
YouTube Help Center: AdSense for YouTube
Last updated February 25, 2022
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