April is upon us and much foolishness was posted - I've rounded up a bunch of yesterday's April Fools' gags from around the web at the end of this post. Some were amusing, some were boring, and some had to be apologized for.
But there were plenty of real life updates this week: Nonprofits can use YouTube Spaces production facilities free, the Google Photos Android app got non-destructive photo editing and emoji search, Periscope turned one, and now you can easily bookmark and organize images from Google Image Search on desktop.
There were also several stories this week that showed how internet-linked computers are becoming more human-friendly, from improved text-to-speech in Google Now, to Twitter enabling image descriptions for the visually impaired, to improvements in the way Siri responds to questions about traumatic experiences. I've collected them under the "more human - or more humane?" heading.
And, as always, there are lots of other tips, articles and updates.
Get Help with Google Products
How to get help for YouTube, Blogger, Hangouts, Gmail and other Google products in the official Google help ForumsGoogle+
- Get your Google+ Collections ready to submit to the upcoming official #FeatureFriday contests! (Sophie Bonnet)
- Tip Build a Google+ Collection: moving vs resharing vs posting (Sooraj Wadhwa)
Google and your business
- Update Google My Business Updates "Improve your local ranking on Google" Page (Mike Blumenthal)
- Tip The benefits of using Android & Chrome to power your small business (Google Small Business)
- Tip Google To Complete Major Redesign For AdWords Over Next 12 Months (SEO Roundtable)
YouTube and Video Creator updates
- Update YouTube Music Android app adds “More From…” button and Wi-Fi Only Streaming Video option (Android Police)
- New YouTube Spaces production studios open to Nonprofits free of charge (Google for Nonprofits)
- Update Instagram Quadruples Maximum Video Length To 60 Seconds (Instagram Blog)
- Tip YouTube TrueView video ads explained (with puppies) (YouTube Advertisors)
- TIp Today is world Backup Day! Back up your YouTube videos!
Live Broadcasting
- Update Periscope celebrates its 1 year anniversary - 110 years of live video are watched every day (Periscope blog)
- Update Periscope update for expired live streams (Krishna De)
- New Blab updates: Dropins let you drop in a link to anything in an empty square in your Blab, Unlisted Blabs (Blab Blog)
- New Tweet @blab911 on Twitter when you need help. (Team Blab)
- Article Live Streaming vs Video on Demand: Brands Need Both (ReelSEO)
- Article Is Live Streaming the Future Of Branded Content? (VideoInk)
Google Photos
- Update Non-destructive editing comes to the Android Google Photos app (The Verge)
- New Google Photos now lets you search by emoji 🔍📷 ! (Google Photos - yes April Fool, but it works!)
Webmasters & Bloggers
- Tip Acting On Your Moments: Five ways to go from knowing your users' moments to winning them (Inside AdSense Blog)
- New Google Domains moves to domains.google (Google Small Business)
Hangouts, video calling and chat
- New Chromebase for meetings makes video-conferencing personal and simple (Google for Work blog)
- New Microsoft thinks Skype bots will make your life easier (DailyDot)
- Update Snapchat Revamps Chat Feature, Adds Massive Sticker Trove, And Will Now Autoplay Stories (Tubefilter)
Android and Project Fi
- New Project Fi update: see & download call and text history on desktop (Scott Greenstone)
- Tip How does Google protect your Android devices and data? Be in the know next week and every month going forward (Google for Work)
- New Amazon.com bans non-compliant USB-C cables (Benson Leung)
- Tip IT Crowd's 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3 Easter egg found in Google's dialer (Android Authority)
Productivity and Security
- Article Research Blog: Lessons learned while protecting Gmail (Google Research Blog)
- Tip Spring cleaning! Make sure your Google account is secure and review your privacy settings! (Google)
- New Google Confirms The Physical Google Wallet Card Is Going Away On June 30th (Android Police)
- New Easily bookmark and organize images from Google Image Search on desktop (Google Inside Search blog)
Computers get more human or at least more humane?
- Google's new text > speech voice : +Nat and Lo find out how it's being created (Nat and Lo on YouTube)
- Google shocked this man by offering sympathy on the death of his father (Business Insider)
- Twitter makes images accessible to everyone (Twitter blog)
- Microsoft demo: these smartglasses could take a photo of what's around and convey information to the blind user in real time. (Ars Technica)
- Siri Now Has a Better Response to 'I Was Raped' Than 'I Don't Know What You Mean' (Jezebel)
More Internet News
- Searching For Google CEO Sundar Pichai, The Most Powerful Tech Giant You've Never Heard Of (Buzzfeed)
- FCC votes to help poor people buy broadband and protect privacy online (Ars Technica)
- All the Important Things Microsoft Announced Today at Build 2016 (Lifehacker)
- Mobile Has Changed The Way We Watch (YouTube Advertisers)
- As Instagram’s Algorithm Approaches, Angry Creators Implore Followers To Turn On Notifications (Tubefilter)
- Instagram assures users they will announce when changes roll out broadly (Instagram)
- These unlucky people have names that break computers (BBC)
Dubious Tech News for the First of April
- SnoopaVision: an exciting new way to watch 360 videos on YouTube (YouTube blog)
- 16 of the Best YouTube April Fool's Day Pranks (So Far) (Reel SEO)
- Google Cardboard Plastic (Google)
- VR Sensory Immersion Generator (Think Geek)
- Use Adobe Lightroom to turn any photo into an Ansel Adams Masterpiece (Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on YouTube
- Google Photos now lets you search by emoji 🔍📷 ! (Google Photos)
- Inbox by Gmail Smart Reply now offers sassy emoji responses (Gmail Blog)
- Have the last word with Gmail Mic Drop (Gmail Blog - updated with apology from Google, since this didn’t go well)
- Introducing the self-driving bicycle in the Netherlands (Google Nederland on YouTube)
- The Leisure Autonomous RV removes the stress of driving from your road trip (Leisure Travel Vans)
- Introducing Ford CALM technology (Ford Motor Company)
- New delivery technology by Google Express: quiet, reliable, beautiful (Google on YouTube)
- Google is not a teleportation company - yet (Google Fiber blog)
- Android Developer Story: The Guardian goes galactic with Android and Google Play (Android Developers on YouTube)
- Virgin America reveals their new logo with look into the design process (Virgin America blog)
- Google finally acknowledges Google+ a ghost town? (Paolo Amoroso)
- The Google Maps app can take you to Funky Town (Google Maps)
- Google Tag Manager now lets you tag and track real-world items, from whales to LPs (Google Analytics)
- Google Search for your socks (Google Australia)
- Meet the dazzling new chrome Chromebook (Chrome blog)
- Sony develops the world's first ghost-catching device (Sony Entertainment)
- Samsung Unveils Internet of Trousers Fashion Range (Samsung Newsroom)
- Duolingo Pillow - Learn a language overnight (Duolinguo)
- Razer Project Breadwinner - Razer Toaster (Razer Inc)
- T-Mobile | #BingeOnUp Announcement | TV Commercial (T-mobile on YouTube)
- Calling all angst-ridden video lovers: we’re making a zine (Vimeo Blog)
- Introducing realBooks (Google Play on YouTube)
- OpenTable Taste (Open Table)
- Behind the scenes at AMP’s new Very Large Mobile Page Accelerator (Accelerated Mobile Pages Project)
- Artificial intelligence steals money from banking customers (Science Magazine)
- NASM begins tribble breeding program- check out the tribble live cam! (Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum)
- Google’s Quantum AI Lab Discovers Evidence Of String Theory (Nat and Lo)
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