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Week in Review - July 18, 2015: tips for YouTube Creators, Photographers,Google+ Collectors

This week there are out-of-this world tips for YouTube creators, Photographers, Google+ Collectors and more.

Image: New Horizons Space Craft Displays Pluto's Big Heart

  • Business Owners: Google wants to know more about your business (Google+ Your Business)


  • Back up your YouTube channel! It just takes a few minutes to prevent the heartbreak of losing your videos! (Google+ discussion of my post here)
  • YouTube wants to hear from you! Send feedback, suggestions and bug reports from anywhere on YouTube
  • YouTube Creators: what brands look for in a partnership (Think With Google)
  • YouTube Creators: engage your fans with live broadcasts using Meerkat or Periscope (Tim Schmoyer)
  • YouTube Creator Academy Hangout on Air:  +sWooZie​​ +Cassandra Bankson​​ and +MrBrent98​​ discuss how they got started and have sustained their success. They'll share their experiences and best practices to inspire the next generation of YouTubers. Watch the broadcast recording.



  • Update: Google+ Photos Chrome app will stop working July 21 (Jaana Nystrom) 
  • Manage backup to Google Photos on your Android device - no Google Photos app required!
  • Photographers and Artists: use Google Analytics to understand the visitors to your portfolio, website and blog (Per Pettersson)


  • AdSense to improve communication with publishers around warnings, suspensions and terminations


More around the web - and the solar system!

For more, follow me on Google+ or Twitter 
Updated March 2019 to remove Google+ links


  1. Dear Peggy K, please HELP me!
    You are the best professional, and I tried to contact you via Forums, mission impossible.
    My AdSense account was disabled for "Invalid Activity".
    I sent the Appeal Form for Invalid activity 3 days ago.
    Google AdSense's answer was very prompt: "The Activity is fine, should be another reason..."
    I am trying to send the Policy Violation Form, which asks for Publisher ID.
    My Appeal Form was returned to me for Publisher ID, which is included in the Form.
    I cannot log on to my AdSense account, which is disabled.
    I do not have an website linked to my AdSense account.
    I do have just my YouTube Channel linked to my AdSense Account.
    How to find my Publisher ID?
    The AdSense Team seems to do not know why was disabled my account?
    How to find the Publisher ID, for investigations?
    Thank You for your time and help.
    Kind regards, Neil

    1. Toy one: did you post your question in the Monetization help forum?!forum/monetization-on-youtube
      Note that if your channel was Partnered through a Multi-channel network, you should contact your Network manager to find out if you have the option to appeal.

    2. Peggy K, you are my only chance on this planet. Seems that nobody knows how to find Publisher Id in YouTube Channel, and Google wants me to know.
      Yes, affirmative, I have published in forum, a nice lady Colette answered to check the cached pages of my movies, I do not have any idea how to do it, I have 117 movies, I only tried to find pub- in the source of older movies and of each page of my YouTube Channel. Nothing found.
      It is a drama because 117 movies mean for me 117 nights working hard...
      Miss Colette said that she is not familiar with the cached page of the YouTube movies.
      I do not remember what kind of partnership I had with YouTube, I just clicked on the tab "Partner" and I had the answer OK, Partner Verified.
      The Great Team AdSense said that the first "diagnosis" that triggered the system to disable my AdSense account, "Invalid Activity", was wrong, the activity is OK, and they asked me again for Publisher ID, for investigation, which is impossible for me to find without any website, just with YouTube (Channel "Toyfone").
      I did not have the idea to write it down long time ago, from AdSense Account's settings. My channel is a very honest one, so I did not even think about a disabled account.
      I notified AdSense Team that I do not know how to find the Publisher ID when I cannot log on to my AdSense account and I do not have any website linked to it.
      No response.
      I sent them the login e-mail for AdSense account and the login e-mail for YouTube account.
      No answer.
      Thank you so much for your time and great help.
      I have not idea what to do next.
      I am not the bad guy.
      God Bless You.
      You made happy many people with your brilliant answers and help.
      This is the reason I bothered you; You are a brilliant professional and a very nice person.
      Best regards,

    3. TOY FONE: it is unlikely I would be able to tell you anything different than Cokette. But iif you share the link to the forum discussion, I can look there.

    4. Peggy K,
      Thank You for your time and help.
      Will do.
      I think I will give up with the entire Google story.
      Just another frustrating experience.
      Best regards, Neil


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