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Weekly Update - October 9, 2021: YouTube Policy, Chrome RSS Feed Reader, AdSense Ad Auction

This week there are updates for AdSense publishers, YouTube live streamers, folks using Google Calendar for business and more.

And in a nifty update, Chrome for Android now has a basic feed reader option.

Reminder: you can get the Weekly Update in your email inbox by subscribing to my newsletter. 

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Try This: Google Chrome as your mobile feed reader

  • Google Chrome for Android now has a built-in RSS feed reader, making it easy to follow your favorite news sites and blogs. If you have Chrome 94 on your Android device, give it a try.


  • Google Cloud Next is October 12-14. Registration is free. Learn about Google Meet, Chat, Docs and other Google Workspace collaboration and meeting tools. Plus get the latest on Google’s Cloud services, AI and machine learning, data analytics and more. Start with these sessions.

YouTube and Video




  • Google Meet in Google Classroom has new features to make it more accessible and secure for teaching. Students will no longer be able to join a class before the teacher. Instead when they try to join they will be held in a waiting room until the teacher joins the meeting. Co-teachers for a class are automatically co-hosts in the meeting. And any guest not on the class roster will have to ask to join the meeting.



  • Language learning: Do you know what the sparkles emoji ✨ means ? Emojipedia explains how it is used for sarcasm, emphasis, and mocking for those of us not hip to the TikTok talk. (That made me sound really old, didn’t it?)

That’s all the updates for this week. Subscribe to get the Weekly Update in your email inbox or favorite feed reader every week. Miss last week’s update? Get it here.

Image: Monday is Columbus Day or Indiginous Peoples Day. It’s a day to remember that most of us living in the United States are living on land forcibly taken from the original inhabitants. That’s a far cry from the celebration in my youth (which, admittedly, was decades ago), which celebrated how “Columbus sailed the ocean blue” and “discovered” the Americas. Photo by Photo by Lisha Riabinina from Pexels
