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Weekly Update - January 26, 2019: Hangouts, YouTube, Webmasters and more

January is coming to a close, and this week we got a information about what will be happening in the coming months for YouTube, Hangouts in G Suite, Search Console and more. No, there hasn’t been an update from Google+ about the April shutdown for consumer users. There also has not been any update from Blogger about what will be happening to Google+ features.
Read on for more links, tips and updates for YouTube creators, business owners, advertisers and more.

Image: Monday, January 28th is Data Protection Day in Europe and Data Privacy Day in the rest of the world. I thought that deserved a cheesy all-your-data-is-secure graphic. To celebrate run a Security Checkup on your Google Account. Image by JanBaby on Pixabay.


YouTube and Video Creation

Go Live


Other social media

Google Photos and Online Photography

Google for businesses

Bloggers and Webmasters

AdSense and advertising

Hangouts and Messaging

Made by Google, Android, Google Fi


Privacy and Security

More around the web
