Spring has sprung! Live streaming is easier, content policies are tighter, and more.
- YouTube launched a new easy way to start live streaming on your desktop computer with just your webcam. You don’t need encoder software or special hardware. It’s great for Chromebook users, or anyone else who wants to live stream with just a few clicks. However, it is very basic - no event scheduling, screen sharing, lower third overlays, extensions or apps. If you want more features, you’ll still have to use the Stream Now option with encoder software, or a Hangout on Air.
- Up until now you could maintain two sets of channel subscriptions - one on “regular” YouTube, the other on YouTube Gaming. This week regular YouTube and YouTube Gaming subscriptions are being combined. If you notice new channels suddenly appearing in your subscription list, that could be the cause.
- YouTube also announced new policy around content featuring firearms and firearm accessories. Starting in mid-April, YouTube will no longer allow videos with sale or manufacture of firearms or certain firearm accessories (like silencers, bump stocks, and high capacity magazines). If you have a channel that might be affected, be sure to review the new policy.
- Speaking of policy, AdSense is posting a series of policy-related videos over the next few weeks. AdSense will be answering questions in each video's comment section the first few hours after it goes live, so be sure to subscribe.
- Congress passed legislation this week amending “Section 230”, the law that protects online platforms from liability for some types of speech by its users. The new legislation aims to prevent online sex trafficking, and places liability on platforms (from giants like Google and Facebook to smaller sites) for their users’ activities. The Electronic Frontier Foundation thinks this change result in platforms choosing to err on the side of “censorship”, and advocates say it may actually put sex workers in danger. In response, Craigslist shut down all of its personals sections. It remains to be seen whether other sites tighten up their content policies in response.
- If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you know that Facebook had a very bad week. The short version is that back in 2015, a psychology professor at the University of Cambridge created a “research app” that was downloaded by 270,000 facebook users. The permissions granted by those users not only gave the app access to their own personal data, but - because of the way Facebook worked at the time - their friends’ data as well. That ultimately included information from 50 million users. While Facebook was assured the data was for “research purposes” and would be anonymized, the data set was shared with data consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, which used it to create US voter profiles. Cambridge Analytica, in turn, has claimed that their work was key in helping the Trump campaign win the 2016 US presidential election.
Facebook has especially come under fire because it appears their policies at the time allowed data to be collected from users who had never opted into sharing information with the app. And insiders have noted that app developers that violated Facebook’s data collection policies suffered little or no repercussions. Even though Facebook has known about this particular violation by Cambridge Analytica since 2015, they didn’t suspend the company’s Page until last week, the day before an expose in The Observer went to press.
Facebook says they are implementing changes to better protect user data, but for some people it’s too little to late. It’s been suggested that this is an opportunity for Google+ as an alternative, but I’m not sure many people would consider it unless their friends and family come along with them.
If you are interested in all the gory details, be sure to check out the links below.
Plus there are tips and updates for Business owners, AdSense publishers, Google Plussers and much much more.
Image: 日本語: 雲井櫻 Kumoi-Zakura (Kumoi Cherry Trees) by Hiroshi Yoshida, 1920 (Public Domain)
Image: 日本語: 雲井櫻 Kumoi-Zakura (Kumoi Cherry Trees) by Hiroshi Yoshida, 1920 (Public Domain)
- Current: Celebrate Women's History Month with a #SheInspiresMe post on Google+
- 27 March: Google Webmaster Central Office Hours Hangout
- 28 March: AMA with Google’s John Mueller on r/TechSEO
- 28 March: H&M Show: Learn about Google Local Guides with William Rock
- 30 March: Google Partners 'Discover' - Digital Transformation: Audience
- 3 April: Google Webmaster Central Office Hours Hangout
YouTube and Video Creation
- Regular YouTube and YouTube Gaming subscriptions are being combined (YouTube)
- YouTube updates policies on content featuring firearms and firearm accessories (YouTube)
- YouTube Space Dubai: A new home for creators in the Middle East and North Africa (YouTube Creators)
- Google partners with YouTube science channels to teach kids about fake news (Polygon)
- YouTube is still plagued with disturbing kids' videos (Engadget)
- YouTube admits it has a neo-Nazi music problem (BBC)
- US Small Business owners: have YouTube Director Onsite create a professional video ad free (with advertising purchase) (Google Blog)
Go Live
- Facebook lets all PC games Live stream and reward viewers (TechCrunch)
- You can now easily "Go Live" on YouTube with just a webcam (YouTube Creators)
- Two easy ways to live stream on YouTube with your Chromebook (or any computer) (blog post, video)
- Google My Business deleting dormant Google+ Pages (Mike Blumenthal)
- Seriously, It’s Time to Ditch Facebook and Give Google+ a Try (Lauren Weinstein)
- Is it time for a Google+ Resurgence? (Mike Elgan)
- Facebook’s blunders may be an opportunity for Google+ (Paolo Amoroso)
- How to share a private post on Google+ (Robert Wallis)
- Tips for launching a successful Google+ Community (Google+)
- Google+ celebrates the International Day of Happiness (Clarissa Silva)
Other social media
- Facebook Testing New Tools and Experiences for Creators (Facebook Newsroom)
- How Facebook Groups Are Being Exploited To Spread Misinformation, Plan Harassment, And Radicalize People (Buzzfeed)
- Facebook and Cambridge Analytica: Here’s what you need to know (The Next Web)
- ‘I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’: meet the data war whistleblower (The Guardian)
- Hard Questions: Update on Cambridge Analytica (Facebook Newsroom)
- Pursuing Forensic Audits to Investigate Cambridge Analytica Claims (Facebook Newsroom)
- Cracking Down on Platform Abuse (Facebook Newsroom)
- Platform Policy Updates to Prevent Abuse (Facebook Developers)
- I worked at Facebook. I know how Cambridge Analytica could have happened. (Washington Post)
- Academic who collected 50 million Facebook profiles: ‘We thought we were doing something normal’ (The Verge)
- Why We're Not Calling the Cambridge Analytica Story a 'Data Breach' (Motherboard)
- Facebook Executive Planning to Leave Company Amid Disinformation Backlash (Washington Post)
- The Latest Cambridge Analytica Exposé Raises More Questions About the Firm's Role in the Trump Campaign (The New Yorker)
- Mark Zuckerberg tells CNN he is 'happy to' testify before Congress (CNN)
- Mark Zuckerberg says he’s ‘fundamentally uncomfortable’ making content decisions for Facebook (ReCode)
- Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook made mistakes in handling the Cambridge Analytica scandal (The Verge)
- Here’s the transcript of Recode’s interview with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the Cambridge Analytica controversy and more (ReCode)
- 'Utterly horrifying': ex-Facebook insider says covert data harvesting was routine (The Guardian)
- WhatsApp co-founder tells everyone to delete Facebook (The Verge)
- Elon Musk deleted Facebook pages for Tesla and SpaceX in response to #DeleteFacebook (ReCode)
- Instagram introducing Hashtag and Profile Links in Bio (Instagram Blog)
- Changes to Improve Your Instagram Feed (Instagram Blog)
- New addition to site-wide rules regarding the use of Reddit to conduct transactions (r/announcements)
- Reddit Bans Slew of Communities Amid New Rule Targeting Sales, Trades, and Giveaways (Gizmodo)
- Snapchat’s Map Explore feature will let you know when your friends are hanging out without you (The Verge)
- LinkedIn Quietly Ditches Support for Share Counts and Nobody Noticed (Dustin Stout)
Google Photos and Mobile Photography
- Files Go now works seamlessly with Google Photos, prompting you to delete backed up images (Google Blog)
Google for businesses
- Local Guides: share your #LetsGuide Google Maps lists (Google Blog)
- Google My Business deleting dormant Google+ Pages (Mike Blumenthal)
- New Google My Business Dashboard Slowly Rolling Out (Mike Blumenthal)
- Google My Business Now Won't Notify You For Non-Sensitive Secondary Changes (SE Roundtable)
- US Small Business owners: have YouTube Director Onsite create a professional video ad free (with advertising purchase) (Google Blog)
Bloggers and Webmasters
- PERSONAL (non-G Suite) classic Google Sites can be converted to new Google Sites. (Steegle.com)
- H&M Show: Learn Wordpress with Chris Heidlebaugh
AdSense and advertising
- Google updating AdSense Publisher and AdWords Advertiser policy to comply with the GDPR (Inside AdWords)
- AdSense on Air: What’s new in 2018? Auto Ads!
- AdSense wants to talk to you about policy (AdSense)
- Why do we have the AdSense Policies? (AdSense on YouTube)
- AdSense Policies Available to You (AdSense on YouTube)
- AdWords Academy on Air: Google Audience Solutions
Hangouts and Messaging
- Everything you need to know about the new Hangouts Chat (Zapier)
- Warning message shown to iOS users who don’t have Hangouts Meet enabled (G Suite Updates)
- You’re in Charge: Facebook Messenger Group Chats Are Now Better Than Ever (Facebook Newsroom)
Made by Google, Android, Project Fi
- A smarter search for files on your phone with Files Go (Google Blog)
- PCMag Reader’s Choice Awards: Project FI and Consumer Cellular top carriers (PCMag)
- Leading UX on Project Fi: Interview with Jay Wong from Google (Zipboard)
- Subscribe with Google makes it easy to subscribe to news publications (Google Blog)
- Google Pay’s got your transit ticket, starting in Las Vegas (Google Blog)
- Now the Google Assistant can take care of your IOUs (Google Blog)
- Chrome Stable Channel Update for Desktop: Chrome 65 (Chrome Releases)
- Chrome Stable Channel Update for Chrome OS: Chrome 65 (Chrome Releases)
Privacy and Security
- Changes to Google ad policies to comply with the GDPR (Inside Adwords blog)
More around the web
- How Congress Censored the Internet (EFF)
- Section 230: A Key Legal Shield For Facebook, Google Is About To Change (NPR)
- Craigslist just got rid of its entire personals section, which was reportedly one of the most used parts of the site, thanks to a new law aimed at cracking down on sex trafficking. (Esquire)
- China will ban people with poor ‘social credit’ from planes and trains (The Verge)
- Scolding female scientists for embracing Instagram doesn’t solve the gender gap in STEM (The Verge)
- The online mattress industry promised a more honest shopping experience. We may have gotten the opposite instead. (ReCode)
- The Google News Initiative: Building a stronger future for news (Google Blog)
Updated March 2019 to remove Google+ links
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