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Weekly Update - July 29, 2017: Google+, Project Fi, Flash

It’s been relatively quiet in the Googleverse this week. It’s so much easier to keep up with the changes when new features and updates aren’t launched one on top of the other!

What’s new in the Googleverse (and beyond) this week?
  • Google+ Communities got a nice update. You can use the new Community Member Activity View to see all the posts from a member of a particular Community. It’s useful for moderators, and helpful if you want to see what a specific person posted about.
  • And if you love Google+, and want to give feedback on features under development, you can apply to be a Google+ beta tester! 
  • Android early adopters and developers: Developer Preview 4 now available, official Android O coming soon! My big question: what will “O” be? Orange Marmalade? Oreo? Oatmeal Cookie?
  • Adobe announced they will be saying goodbye to Flash by the end of 2020. Even though the use of Flash on the web has decreased significantly in the past few years, but it’s still in use for videos and games. Google (Chrome), Mozilla (Firefox), Apple (Safari), Microsoft (Internet Explorer, Edge), and Facebook (games) all posted more information about how they will be handling the change over the next couple of years. Up for discussion is whether it’s worth trying to preserve old Flash content, especially from the early days of the internet.
  • Alphabet (Google's Parent Company), Facebook and Twitter released their quarterly reports this week. That has lead to some speculation as to how many daily users Twitter actually has (guesstimated to be about 134 million, but Twitter won't confirm). In comparison Facebook reports 1.3 billion daily active users and 2 billion monthly users, and YouTube has 1.5 billion monthly users. And no, Alphabet has not released any Google+ user stats (but the best guess is that the user base is closer to Twitter than YouTube). At least Google+ers are more satisfied than Twitterers, YouTubers or Facebookers.
If you are thinking of trying Project Fi, Google’s wireless service, now is the time! There is a contest to see who can make the most referrals, with the grand prize a trip to the Googleplex. If you want to give Fi a try, and get a $20 credit, use my referral code and I’ll get a credit too. Plus it will help me on my way to Mountain View :)

Plus there are more tips and updates for video creators (and watchers), live streamers, webmasters, and much more!

Image: Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) by Henri Rousseau (1891) (Public Domain)
More information about the painting from the National Gallery of Art.


YouTube and Video Creation

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  • New Google+ update: Community Member Activity View (Leo Deegan)
  • Apply to be a Google+ beta tester! (Google+)
  • Google+ has the most satisfied users, even if there aren't that many of us (relatively speaking) (Washington Post)

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Updated March 2019 to remove Google+ links
